Skinny With Gynecomastia Questions About Gynecomastia?

Questions about gynecomastia? - skinny with gynecomastia

I'm worried. I have all the symptoms of gynecomastia, and do not know what to do. I do not know how to handle or even tell my parents. Life as I know it sucks now. Can I exercise to burn fat away to? Where can I learn? Will you ever? I am 14 years old, thin as hell, eating healthily, but do not know what I'm doing, because I did not do in PE, swimming or something, without a shirt, dress, and I feel uncomfortable when someone shake me . I am not looking for sarcastic answers, or people tell me that many people, if they have, etc. Is it possible to overcome to solve this problem without surgery or pills to ridicule? Thank you.


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